Written by René. Posted in blog - english
Due to its strength and lower thermal conductivity, titanium is much better suited to fulfill the functions of a thermal barrier than stainless steel. E3D-Online and other heatbreak manufacturers use the world's most widely used titanium alloy for their special titanium heatbreaks: Grade 5 (or also Ti-6Al-4V, EN 3.7165, UNS R56400). The Grade 5 titanium alloy has no major weaknesses, is regarded as an all-rounder and therefore accounts for more than 50% of the worldwide titanium volume.
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Written by René. Posted in blog - english
New and improved Kapton foil heaters are now available in the shop! Thanks to the close cooperation with the supplier and your feedback, it was possible to further improve the Kapton-heater and optimize it for the DICE! These are in detail:
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Written by René. Posted in blog - english
Small update for the carrier plate of the Z-axis that saves work.
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Written by René. Posted in blog - english
The water cooling for the DICE was very well received. The DICE was, for example, featured on hackaday.io as "sexiest Tiny Metal Core-XY 3D Printer", Thomas Sanladerer wants to build one and various "big player" from the 3d-printing scene have contacted me and we are going to make some very interesting things in the future. You should be curious!
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